Thursday, June 7, 2012

Leftover food can turn on light bulbs 
Something that we hear about every day, whether in the newspaper or on television, is how our world is deteriorating. Trash is covering the land, filtering through the oceans and our energy sources are quickly depleting. The constant question being, what are we going to do about it? A person can ask themselves that as many times as they want, but nothing will be accomplished until we get up and do something. A popular solution is arising that will help both our waste going into the land and finding new energy to power our homes. This is the production of Bio-gas.
To start at the beginning, let me explain why it is essential that this leftover food and other waste be taken care of. When food waste is tossed into landfills it emits methane gas into the air. And as many of us have heard before, methane gas is aiding in is the depletion of the ozone layer. And the ozone layer is connected to greenhouse gases, global warming and so forth.
Food waste, waste water, and manure are being used all over the world to create Bio-gas or electricity. Electricity that is able to power thousands of homes, power plants, and is even being converted to natural gas to power vehicles. If all we have to do is save leftover food to aid for this cause, then why not help? Let’s take away from the thousands of landfills that liter our countryside and help turn on lights in thousands of homes.
Think about it this way, if ten tons of food waste was collected for this cause, for five straight days, we would have enough electricity for 1,000 homes!! This food waste could easily be obtained from restaurants and fast food establishments in no time. This same food waste could be converted into natural gas that could fuel your car! And we all agree it would be nice if the price of gas would go down!!

    Needless to say, there are many options out there that will help our environment. But this one sounds like the simplest, the easiest one for everyone. Just put a container by your trash can and recycle.

Below is a video from the American Biogas Council on how food waste is turned into energy:
Below are a few sources that aided me in my search about Biogas:

1 comment:

  1. thats very interesting, i never knew that. i work at a resturant and we waste alot of food every day. i couldn't even imagine how much food all the resturants waste even in one day that could be used to convert into energy.
